C & C
C & C Annual Events and Activities:
First Quarter (January – March):
C & C Banquet
PR Game Day/Night
Food Shelf – Pack the Rig (Fire Dept.)
Easter Egg Hunt in Park
Second Quarter (April – June):
College Scholarship Applications
Bikers – 4K for Cancer
Park Clean-up
City Flower Planting
Third Quarter (July – September):
LL Fun Days
Thank C & C Members for their membership and how their dues contribute to the community.
Include Mission Statement and encourage membership.
Fourth Quarter (October – December):
Harvest Festival
Pie & Turkey Give Away
Lighting Contest (need date and judges)
Tour of Homes
Santa Train/Visit
Promote LL Bucks for Christmas Gifts
Election of Officers/Directors (discuss length of term-2 years vs. one??)