Lake Lillian, Minnesota

A Friendly Town






33.01 Leeburg’s First Addition

33.02 John O. Larson Property

Vacation of Land

33.15 Vacated Alleys


§ 33.01 LEEBURG’S FIRST ADDITION. (Prior Ordinance Number 20, 10/5/1951; 3.101 in

the 1983 Code)

(A) That the following described platted land, to-wit:

Lots Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), Twenty (20), and Twenty-one (21) of Block One; Lots

Eighteen (18), Nineteen (19), Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) of Block Two (2); and the

part of Woodlawn Avenue adjoining and contiguous to the aforesaid described lots; all

being in Leeburg’s First Addition to the Village (City) of Lake Lillian, according to the plat

thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said county,

and containing less than, and not exceeding, two hundred (200) acres and not included in

any other village or in any city or borough, be, and the same hereby is, annexed to said

village and said land shall be a part of said village as effectually as though it had been

originally a part thereof.

(B) That this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its publication, a

certified copy of the ordinance filed by the Village (City) Clerk in the office of the County

Auditor, in the County of Kandiyohi and State of Minnesota, and another certified copy of said

ordinance filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota.

§ 33.02 JOHN O. LARSON PROPERTY (Prior Ordinance 53, 11/7/1977; 3.102 in the 1983


(A) John O. Larson and others have filed with the City Clerk of the City of Lake Lillian,

Minnesota, a petition praying that the City Council of the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, enact

an ordinance annexing the following described property located in the County of Kandiyohi

and State of Minnesota, to-wit:

The West 346 feet of that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section

18, Township 117, Range 33, lying between the North line of the said Southwest Quarter of

Southwest Quarter and the center line of Kandiyohi County Ditch No. 51,


Lake Lillian Ordinance Code - Administration


hereafter called the Annexation Tract, to the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, which

petition has been presented to the Council of the said City of Lake Lillian, and

(B) The said petition has been signed by all of the owners of all of the lands and properties in

the said Annexation Tract, and

(C) Copies of the said petition have been filed, pursuant to law, with the Municipal

Commission of the State of Minnesota, the Town Clerk of the Township of East Lake Lillian,

and with the County Auditor of the County of Kandiyohi and State of Minnesota, and

(D) The Town Board of the Town of East Lake Lillian, in the County of Kandiyohi and State of

Minnesota, has executed and filed with the City Clerk of the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, a

waiver by East Lake Lillian Town Board, in which the said Town Board consents and agrees

to the annexation, waives the sixty (60) day waiting period, and waives all further notice, and

(E) The land in the Annexation Tract is included in a proceeding for incorporation,

consolidation, or annexation which is pending before the Minnesota Municipal Commission,


(F) The land in the Annexation Tract is urban in character, and the land in the Annexation Tract

is not included within the boundaries of any other incorporated municipality and does not abut

any other incorporated municipality, and

(G) No part of the Annexation Tract is included in a proceeding for incorporation,

consolidation, or annexation which is pending before the Minnesota Municipal Commission,


(H) The City Council of the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, has studied the economic aspect

of annexation with particular attention to its effect upon the City of Lake Lillian and upon the

land within the Annexation Tract and the said City Council finds that the annexation of the

Annexation Tract will not constitute a burden to the City of Lake Lillian, will be to the best

interests of the lands included within the Annexation Tract, and will provide for the orderly

development of the lands within the Annexation Tract, and

(I) The City Council of the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, finds and determines that no notice

of the said proposed annexation is necessary, and now therefore, pursuant to the findings

hereinabove made, City Council of the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, does hereby and by

these presents ordain that the following described property located in the County of Kandiyohi

and State of Minnesota, to-wit:

The West 346 feet of that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section

18, Township 117, Range 33, lying between the North line of the said Southwest Quarter of

Southwest Quarter and the center line of Kandiyohi County Ditch No. 51, is hereby

annexed to, and included within, the City of Lake Lillian, Minnesota, as effectually as if it

had been originally a part thereof.


Lake Lillian Ordinance Code - Administration



§ 33.15 VACATED ALLEYS (Prior Ordinance 5, 7/24/1928; 6.201 and 6.202 in the 1983


(A) That the purpose of said Village (City) Council is hereby declared to vacate the alley

running north and south through Block Two (2) in the Village (City) of Lake Lillian, Kandiyohi

County, Minnesota, commencing on the north line of said Block Two (2) between Lot One (1) and

Lot Eighteen (18) of said Block Two (2), thence running south to a line running east and west on

the north side of Lot Six (6) and Lot Thirteen (13) and there terminating.

(A) Also resolved to vacate the alley running north and south between Lots One (1), Two (2),

and Three (3) and Lot Four (4) to the north line of the railroad right-of-way running east and west

on the south side of said Block Nine (9) in said Village (City).




Official Website of Lake Lillian, Minnesota